Habeas Corpus: uma perspectiva dos sucedâneos recursais e análise de caso concreto ante as infrações cometidas por pacientes inimputáveis





Habeas Corpus; Challenge; Ineligible.


The theme of this research is the analysis of habeas corpus in cases of crimes committed by people with psychological disorders, taking into account appeal substitutes and the analysis of cases committed by non imputable patients. It is related to the thematic focus of Criminal Procedural Law, Criminal Law and Legal Psychology. For this purpose, this research will focus on a study of how the Brazilian legal system analyzes the situation in question. This research is justified by the fact that there is little academic research on this subject, especially when it comes to the issue of crimes committed by people with mental disorders, but especially when taking into account human rights and the procedural methods that exist for resolving cases in the legal environment. In this way, the aim of this work was to carry out a study on habeas corpus, based on the perspective of appeal substitutes. As for the methodology employed, we used exploratory qualitative study, as well as bibliographical and documentary research, using a textual search technique in scientific articles, legal websites, the 1988 Federal Constitution, but also the Criminal Procedure Code and the Penal Code. The research showed various points of view in relation to the thematic axis under study, as well as providing a direct and explanatory account of how the Brazilian legal system provides for the penalization of people with mental disorders who involuntarily committed a crime.


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How to Cite

Abrantes , A. C. V., Bezerra , A. C. T., Silva , M. E. L. da, Oliveira , M. G. E. G. e, & Targino , G. C. (2024). Habeas Corpus: uma perspectiva dos sucedâneos recursais e análise de caso concreto ante as infrações cometidas por pacientes inimputáveis. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(3), 3986–3995. https://doi.org/10.18378/rbfh.v13i3.10965

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