Neurodiversidade e inclusão: superando desafios sociais e promovendo a inserção no mercado de trabalho




Neurodiversidade; Inclusão; Trabalho; Barreiras Sociais.


The theme of this research is Neurodiversity and Inclusion, with a focus on overcoming social challenges and promoting the inclusion of neurodivergent people in the labor market. The main objective is to analyze the social, cultural and structural barriers that prevent the full inclusion of neurodivergent individuals in the workplace, as well as proposing inclusive strategies that promote equity and accessibility. The study adopts a qualitative approach, using a bibliographic and documentary review method, with a survey carried out using the SciELO and Google Scholar databases. The data was analyzed using a content analysis approach, which made it possible to identify patterns and recurring themes about the experiences and difficulties of job placement faced by neurodivergent people. The results indicate that, despite advances in inclusion policies, there are still significant challenges, such as social stigma and the lack of adaptation in work environments. However, solutions such as inclusive training programs and the adoption of assistive technologies have shown potential for improving integration conditions. The research concludes that a combination of robust public policies, cultural changes and greater investment in inclusive technology is essential for neurodiversity to be fully valued in the labor market, benefiting both individuals and society.


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How to Cite

Milan, D., Nascimento , R. D. P. do, Brito, A. da S. S., Silva, M. R. da, Camilo , V. C. S., Rocha , L. da S., Batista , A. E., & Santos , Z. de A. (2024). Neurodiversidade e inclusão: superando desafios sociais e promovendo a inserção no mercado de trabalho. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(4), 4112–4116.

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