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Educação 4.0: explorando a integração transformadora da tecnologia na educação básica




Educational Technology; Digital Inclusion; Professional Development; Educational Assessment; Pedagogical Innovation.


This research addresses the theme of “Education 4.0: Exploring the Transformative Integration of Technology in Basic Education”, contextualizing the growing influence of technology in the contemporary educational environment. The central problem lies in the need to understand the impact of Education 4.0 on basic education, considering issues of equitable access, professional development of educators, new educational models and impact assessment. To address these issues, the Giftedean neoperspectivist paradigm was adopted, emphasizing the value of multiple perspectives and individual experiences. In addition, the hypothetical-deductive method was employed, allowing the formulation of hypotheses about the impact of technology on student learning. The research conducted a Narrative Bibliographic and Documentary Review to critically analyze the existing literature, identifying trends, challenges and opportunities. Key findings highlighted the significant impact of technology on the student learning experience, but also underscored the need to address disparities in equitable access to technology and promote professional development for educators. Gaps found include the lack of longitudinal and empirically robust studies on the impact of Education 4.0, as well as the need for more research on effective strategies for impact assessment. The contributions of the research include a comprehensive synthesis of existing literature and insights for future research on the transformative potential of technology in basic education.


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How to Cite

Milan , D., Gomes , R. D., Lucena , J. B., Santiago , K. de A., Luz , R. H. da, Campos , A. R. de, Camilo , V. C. S., & Frimaio , F. de F. A. (2024). Educação 4.0: explorando a integração transformadora da tecnologia na educação básica . Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(3), 3920–3927.

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