Uma Análise Crítica de Direito Comparado: Brasil e França na Recuperação Judicial





The article addresses judicial recovery in Brazil and France, highlighting the importance of this legal institute for companies in financial difficulties. In Brazil, the Recovery and Bankruptcy Law regulates the process, allowing companies to renegotiate their debts, preserve their activities and avoid bankruptcy. The objective is to maintain the economic and social benefits arising from healthy business activity. Brazilian legislation recognizes different classes of creditors, ensuring a fair and balanced approach during the recovery process. Furthermore, the new Bankruptcy Law introduced significant changes, such as the inclusion of rural producers and people who work in the field in the judicial recovery process.


In France, the legislation covers not only companies, but also farmers, artisans, independent professionals and guarantors. Insolvency procedures in France include declaration of bankruptcy and judicial recovery processes, with the possibility of restructuring or liquidation. The new French law also allows the company to request the suspension of executions against it for 60 days before formalizing the request for judicial recovery.


Both countries seek to provide an environment that allows the economic rehabilitation of companies in financial difficulties, minimizing losses to creditors and preserving jobs. The comparative analysis between Brazil and France can enrich understanding and contribute to improvements in legal systems. In summary, the article highlights the importance of judicial recovery as a legal tool to help viable companies overcome difficult times and preserve business activity.


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How to Cite

Maia, J. C. F., Vingassani, G. C. M., & Targino, G. C. (2024). Uma Análise Crítica de Direito Comparado: Brasil e França na Recuperação Judicial . Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(4), 4276–4285.

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