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A importância do ambiente escolar inclusivo para o desenvolvimento social e emocional dos alunos




School; Diversity; Inclusion.


 School inclusion is a fundamental principle that aims to guarantee the right to education for all students, regardless of their physical, intellectual, social or emotional conditions. In the context of secondary education, creating an inclusive school environment is crucial for the integral development of students, not only in academic terms, but also in social and emotional terms. This article aims to investigate the importance of an inclusive school environment in the social and emotional development of students, with an emphasis on secondary education. The aim is to understand how inclusive practices can contribute to the formation of more empathetic, resilient and socially integrated individuals.  How does an inclusive school environment influence the social and emotional development of students in high school?  The methodology adopted for this study is bibliographic review. Scientific articles, books, theses and other relevant documents on school inclusion and its impact on students' social and emotional development were analyzed. Bibliographical research allows a broad and in-depth understanding of the topic, in addition to enabling the identification of different perspectives and theoretical approaches. Creating an inclusive school environment is essential for the social and emotional development of students in high school. This study, based on a literature review, highlights that inclusive practices not only promote educational equity, but also prepare students for a harmonious and productive coexistence in society. Educational policies and pedagogical practices must therefore be constantly reviewed and improved to ensure that all students have the opportunity to fully develop their social and emotional potential.


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How to Cite

Milan , D., Moreira , A. R. de C. V. de M., Santos , J. M. dos, Nascimento , R. D. P. do, Souza , L. da S. R. de, Frimaio , F. de F. A., Luz , A. A. da, & Schon , G. (2024). A importância do ambiente escolar inclusivo para o desenvolvimento social e emocional dos alunos. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 13(4), 4127–4138.

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